Monday 18 July 2016

Chance that Allah gave me took away by His most intelligent creation

‘Qandeel Baloch murdered by her own brother’, that was a message I saw on one of my whatsapp groups, when I woke up this morning. Immediately I checked news to confirm and it proved to be true.

I wonder why but instantly my mind flew to another former model and actress who also remained controversial in the past, Veena Malik. I realized that Late Qandeel Baloch shares many commonalities with Veena whether it is their bold personalities, public hatred or even death threats.

Veena Malik who came into limelight in 2010 after her appearance on Indian reality show Bigg Boss, remained most debated topic on national and international television and social media like Baloch. The former engaged in the debate with the same Mufti who recently got under rage of public, media and his counterparts and even suspended from Ruet-e-Hilal Committee membership after his video and selfies with Qandeel Baloch posted on social media.

Mrs. Malik received death threats from fundamentalists when she apparently posed nude for the front cover of the Indian magazine with the initials of ISI tattooed on her arm. Likewise, Baloch also claimed that she was getting life threatening calls and her life was constantly in danger after her controversial video went viral.

Most of the people think that both of these ladies showed immoral behavior and brought defame for Pakistan. However, the only difference between two is the Chance… what is that chance? In the end of 2013, Veena Malik married to a respectable businessman Asad Khan Khattak, performed Umrah afterwards with her family and announced retirement from the film industry.

Now, she wants to devote herself for the study of Islam and her children to become hafiz e Quran. This might not have happened if she was killed earlier, before her marriage, before her transformation, before grabbing the chance available to her. The chance that Allah has given to every human being in this world to get back on the righteous path, which has now taken away from Qandeel Baloch not by Allah but his most intelligent creation.

Rest in peace Qandeel Baloch.

Monday 12 January 2015

Schools are open again

After the tragic event of December 16th last year, when Taliban assaulted the Army Public School in Peshawar, the gates of almost all the schools in Pakistan opened today again. Morning was same for the most parents and kids like it was before the incident.

Moms woke up early as usual, ironed uniforms and made breakfast for kids. Some kids made same excuses of pain in stomach to get leave from school whereas many were enthusiastic not to miss first day after holidays. Brothers did not finish their meals like always and sisters once again teased them to be loved more by dad. Some got late whereby school vans were waiting outside while some waited for their vans way long. Some were dropped by their dads on way to their offices whereas some went with their siblings by walk.

Despite same daily routines, some portion of heart was bearing fear. Kids were thinking what if their school were attacked by terrorists, assuming how they would fight and protect their friends etc. Parents thought twice before waking up their children. They recited holy verses of ‘Ayat al Kursi’ three times for the safety of kids. However, these parents could see their children alive and healthy and they sent them to school because they knew how important education is for the career and growth of their kids.

On the contrary, for some parents and kids, morning was not same as it was before the incident. Moms could not sleep whole night. In morning, they called the names of their kids to wake them up but kids did not reply. Uniforms were torn on which red spots of blood were dried. No one was there to finish breakfast. Sisters were in the state of shock and insecurity because they knew that their protectors would not go to school with them. Dads were cursing themselves why they dropped their kids to school on December 16th. This was the morning of parents and kids who lost their loved ones in Army Public School’s attack.

Despite all the sorrows and grieves, some portion of heart was bearing determination. Kids were thinking that they would fight for their lost friends but with the sword of knowledge, imagining how they would defeat extremism with education. Parents recited holy verses of ‘Ayat al Kursi’ three times and sent their remaining children to school because they knew how important education is for the revenge of their lost kids.

The illogical excuse that people give for Taliban’s inhuman activities is that they lost their loved ones in collateral damage and now this is their reaction. Can anybody tell that how many relatives of Army Public School’s martyrs will become suicide bombers?

Tuesday 30 December 2014

What to do in 2015: A thought for Pakistani people

Year 2014 welcomed us with a bomb blast, when a bus of pilgrims which was coming back from Iran to Pakistan was targeted in Quetta. Unfortunately, the year is leaving us in the same manner when we are mourning for our little victims of Army Public School, Peshawar. However, it seems that this event has brought us closer as a nation and we must continue this spirit to stay united and fight against our enemies. As a Pakistani, our new year’s resolutions should be as follows:

Fight: We should not only support our armed forces who are fighting at the front but we also need to fight with the internal enemies who has become incurable ulcer for the nation. The list of internal enemies is quite contentious as it does not only include people like extremist mullahs, corrupt politicians, biased judge etc. but a mindset who support these enemies and always try to find some illogical justifications for their wrongdoings.

Tolerate: We should understand the fact that the population of Pakistan is widely diversified. We should respect the differences whether linguistic, sectorial or cultural, tolerate and accept each other with open heart and that is what Holy Quran emphasizing. Refer to the following verse of Holy Quran:
“If Allah had so willed, He would have made you one single nation; but that He may test you in what He has given you. Then vie with one another in good deeds. To Allah is your return, then He will inform you of that in which you were at variance.” (5:48)

Learn: Education is the most powerful defense that any nation would like to have. Unfortunately, our government does not think in same way and in 2014, only 2% of total budgeted expenditures was kept for education sector. However, as an individual, we should analyze our capacity and contribute accordingly. We should commit that from 2015, we will study an hour every day in addition to our normal routine learning.

Teach: Learning should not be confined to our own self but it needs to be spread as it has a multiplier effect (Sadqa-e-Jariya). I resolve that in year 2015, I will teach or bear the expenses of learning of at least one child whose parents cannot afford to send him/ her to school.
National and Multinational organizations working in Pakistan should also take a step to establish schools, academies and institutions as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Grow: Last, we need to take good care of our economics, both at micro and macro level. Allah helps those who help themselves, we need to believe in ourselves, think above charity and work more to earn more.

These resolutions are neither unique nor very difficult to observe but we need to show our will. This could be the first step towards the united, prosperous and independent Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Quoting Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, “You will have to make up for the smallness of your size by your courage and selfless devotion to duty, for it is not life that matters, but the courage, fortitude and determination you bring to it.”

Pakistan Zindabad!